
I want to use redis for my game's leaderboard data and I have seen in one of the Stackoverflow questions that txredis is a good option for this. However I cannot find any example which may lead me to start writing some codes. Can anybody help me? Do you know any website having examples? I would appreciate your help.

I am trying to do something like that , however it is not working. TCP Client connects but when it sends "i:xxx" it is disconnected immediately:

from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol, Factory
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet import defer
from txredis.protocol import Redis
from twisted.internet import protocol

# Hostname and Port number of a redis server
HOST = 'localhost'
PORT = 6379


def main():
    clientCreator = protocol.ClientCreator(reactor, Redis)
    redis = yield clientCreator.connectTCP(HOST, PORT)    
    res = yield
    print res

    info = yield
    print info

    res = yield redis.set('test', 42)
    print res

    test = yield redis.get('test')
    print test

class LeaderBoard(Protocol):
        def connectionMade(self):
        clientCreator = protocol.ClientCreator(reactor, Redis)
        redis = yield clientCreator.connectTCP(HOST, PORT)
    def connectionLost(self, reason):
        print "client removed",self
    def dataReceived(self, data):
        a = data.split(':')
        if len(a) > 1:
            command = a[0]
            content = a[1]

            res = yield self.redis.set('test', 42)
            print res            

            msg = ""
            score = ""

            if command == "i":
       = content
                msg = + " has joined"

                print msg
            elif command== "msg":
                msg = + ": " + content
    def message(self, message):
        self.transport.write(message + '\n')

if __name__ == "__main__":

    factory = Factory()

    factory.protocol = LeaderBoard
    factory.clients = []

    reactor.listenTCP(80, factory)
    print "Iphone Chat server started"`

No correct solution

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