
In preparation for migrating a server farm to the cloud, I am attempting to enumerate all the linked servers that have been defined over the years. I also need to find (and correct) the code that references these linked servers.

Here is something I threw togetether to help identify names of objects that refer to the linked server, but this only works against stored procs, views, functions and triggers:

declare @sql varchar(2000)
select  @SQL = 'use ?;
print ''?'';
print replicate(''-'',len(''?''));
print '' ''; 

select object_name(
  from syscomments sc
  where text like ''%TheLinkedServer%''

exec sp_msforeachdb @sql

I know I will have to crack open the DTS/SSIS packages...I am just trying to get as many finished as quickly as possible.

No correct solution

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