
I'm looking at a community extension called Ambassador_Affiliate, and it's doing something that I have not seen before. I'm not sure what it's doing, so I'd like to check with the community.

In config.xml, there is...

                    <Ambassador_Affiliate before="Mage_Customer">Ambassador_Affiliate</Ambassador_Affiliate>

In Ambassador/Affiliate/controllers/AffiliateController.php, there is…


class Ambassador_Affiliate_AffiliateController extends Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action


It looks to me the Ambassador extension is adding a new controller, instead of rewriting, its own controller to the Mage_Customer module.

If it is so, why would you do this as opposed to just defining a entirely new controller under Ambassador_Affiliate (beside wanting to use the customer frontname of Mage_Customer)?

If it's not, what is it doing?

No correct solution

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