
Is there any work being done to create a C# compiler to produce native exe's? e.g. the output is a native exe and NOT a .NET assembly.

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Why don't you try NGen. For exemple Paint.NET use nGen to create native images after installation.


If you want a standalone deployment (i.e. without needing the framework), there are a few options - see here. However, I'm not aware of anything that will reliably produce purely unmanaged code. What is the use-case you have in mind? For embedded etc there is micro-framework, CF, etc.

There is such solution for Mono, this is 'mkbundle' - static linking instead of using JIT/CLR/GAC, I guess

You'd still have to provide the libraries in some form so either you'd still have to have a runtime installed, or the native exe would have to be huge.

There are two active projects. They are geared toward CIL-based operating systems, but the current iteration of MOSA Compiler Framework runs on Windows (unit tests etc.) and has limited boot support. Cosmos used to have a Windows architecture and a few plugs, but they don't do Windows any more - only booting into a CIL environment.

Cosmos is much futher along however, they have pretty much nailed object support. MOSA is only bare-metal (static methods) for now - although it is done the 'proper' way and well unit-tested (and I think making faster progress). Give it a few more months and then go back and have a look.

Niether has a JIT at the moment (which doesn't matter since you don't want one). It is all compiled to machine code ahead of time.

.NET linker

You might find this interesting to read as well: .NET Internals and Native Compiling.

Note that for the reflection to work a lot of information about the code will always have to present.

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