
I'm trying to lead a software team that is falling behind. One of the main problems is that whenever something is mildly difficult, I end up having to assign it to myself. I had one other developer with moderate skills and half an intern. Unfortunately, the other developer's skills do not include design.

So I begged my boss for one of the guys on one of the other teams, he's been working here longer than I have (5 years). He can't compete with me on design OR the language we use, but I thought he was the most competent besides myself.

Today he gave me a piece of code that did something not in the least bit dissimilar to:

object const& my_class::get_object() const 
  return *std::unique_ptr<object>(new object());

He asked me if that was a problem! I said the only thing I could think of, "Yes. That's a problem." Then he comes over to my desk asking me how to fix it!! I said, "Use an object that survives the call of the function." Then he starts freaking out, "Yeah, but how, the only thing I can think of is to make a member variable."

I was a bit busy at this time because I was already trying to stuff in extra work I had to take over for the other guy on the team because he couldn't figure it out...I told the guy to go away because I was busy and to go figure it out himself. Then he leaves in a huff talking about how it's not his fault if he screws things up. He's been freaking out since he came on the team and I don't think it's getting better.

I feel like I'm drowning here. WTH can I do? What was the right way to deal with that? Would it have been more reasonable to go help this guy who's been writing C++ for 7 years figure out how to correctly return a reference to an object that isn't destroyed the moment it's returned? I feel like that's just ridiculous to have to do and wonder how the hell I'd get anything done that way.

Sometimes I think they're doing it on purpose but that seems to me to just be whack...but then again, so does the question I was just asked today. This isn't some kid sitting at home trying to figure out his first program, having his brain blown by pointers.

No correct solution

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