Why are a seemingly disproportionate amount of programmers just, well, not nice? [closed]

softwareengineering.stackexchange https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/40981

  •  30-10-2019
  •  | 


Maybe it's just my personal experience, but I associate with varying different groups and types of people and it seems to me that an oddly large percentage of programmers I have encountered are "not nice" or for an attempt at a better definition:

  • Condescending
  • Snarky
  • Negative in the way they talk about people

If you have noticed the same thing, any theories as to why? Any suggestions on how to politely or not so politely let one of these programmers know how they are acting and suggest they correct it if they want to be perceived as professional one would want to work with?

Or perhaps I've just come across a bad sample and there are bad seeds in every group of people one can name.

No correct solution

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