
Well, a year back I developed an agent module for net-snmp to monitor disk usage/statistics. It was locally installed on a system in LAN.

Now, I intend to use the same module for my Home PC and to trap over it from office.. But my ISP does not provide me a 'static IP' and its expensive to own one.

Over the last week-end I found out '' can help me out to setup a virtual static IP using Dynamic IP (Just stole its working-logic, simple)

Anyways, Here is what I did! I wrote a program that will check for present running IP in my system and update me through a mail and it also inserts the same to my snmpd.conf file.

I do not know how to make 'snmpd' to re-read the configuration file without restarting the snmpd service.

After spending lot of time on google I found I can use 'kill -SIGHUP <snmpd-pid>'

But will this ever help me out in re-reading the .conf file? SIGHUP would terminate the process, generally speaking...

How would I do this if I ever wanted to re-read the .conf file without restarting the snmpd daemon?

No correct solution

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