
Is there a (good) documentation about the format of the eclipse workspace files (.location, x.tree, ...)?

I need this to programatically create a workspace for automated builds. Unfortunately I have to do this job from a .NET program, so I can't use any Eclipse classes to do this! (We manage our Linux C++ projects using Eclipse + CDT).

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Not exactly a precise answer, but I just would point out the following sources for your question:

May between those three links you will find the actual documentation for workspace structure (if you do, post an answer here ;) )


This will not be a helpful answer.

If you possibly can, I would try and coax Eclipse to generate the workspace for you. Otherwise you will be delving in a lot of undocumented internal APIs, and trying to re-implement the filessytem, which is in-effect another internal APIs.

Eclipse makes it clear that you are on your own when using internal APIs, and are careful to say that these may break at any time (e.g. a very minor point release).

Edit: you may also find help looking at suggestions for this question. And buckminster, which you may find useful for other reasons too.

Depending on how complex your build system is, it may be simpler to use a dedicated build system such as Apache Ant or Nant. There is a .NET library for Ant at: and there may be other build systems as well.

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