
So the nHibernate 2.1 Alpha came out a few days ago, but the announcement on sourceforge doesn't mention the additional features. In particular, it doesn't mention whether LINQ is included. I know that I've read that LINQ would be part of 2.1, but that was 6 months ago. Anybody know if LINQ is in 2.1 or what new features are? There's no documenation about 2.1 alpha features on the official site.

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LinqToNHibernate is being written by Steve Strong at IMeta. Steve is attempting an amazing task by changing the way NHibernate parses HQL from the string based system to an abstract syntax tree. To be fair he does have a head start as this is being done in Hibernate using ANTLR which he is porting to .Net. It still baffles my mind what he is undertaking. I must say well done to IMeta for giving Steve the time to work on this.

If you want to see how far he is going you can check the uNhAddIns repository.

There is also a workable LinqToNHibernate provider which you'll find in NHContrib I am using this on a few projects and it works well but isn't in active development now and does break down if you attempt complex Linq queries

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