
I am writing a fairly simple Django application where users can enter string queries. The application will the search through the database for this string.


This query is pretty strait forward but not really helpful to someone who isn't 100% sure what they are looking for. So I expanded the search.

from django.utils import stopwords

results = Entry.objects.filter(headline__contains=query)
    query = strip_stopwords(query)
    for(q in query.split(' ')):
        results += Entry.objects.filter(headline__contains=q)

I would like to add some additional functionality to this. Searching for miss spelled words, plurals, common homophones (sound the same spelled differently), ect. I was just wondering if any of these things were built into Djangos query language. It isn't important enough for me to write a huge algorithm for I am really just looking for something built in.

Thanks in advance for all the answers.

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djangos orm doesn't have this behavior out-of-box, but there are several projects that integrate django w/ search services like:

I cant speak to how well options #2 and #3 work, but I've used django-sphinx quite a lot, and am very happy with the results.


You could try using python's difflib module.

>>> from difflib import get_close_matches
>>> get_close_matches('appel', ['ape', 'apple', 'peach', 'puppy'])
['apple', 'ape']
>>> import keyword
>>> get_close_matches('wheel', keyword.kwlist)
>>> get_close_matches('apple', keyword.kwlist)
>>> get_close_matches('accept', keyword.kwlist)

Problem is that to use difflib one must build a list of words from the database. That can be expensive. Maybe if you cache the list of words and only rebuild it once in a while.

Some database systems support a search method to do what you want, like PostgreSQL's fuzzystrmatch module. If that is your case you could try calling it.


For your new "requirement", well, you are out of luck. No, there is nothing built in inside django's query language.

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