
I've found an algorithm that acts like a depth first traversal that don't recognizes nodes that have been visited before.

 / \
B   C
 \ /

If run on this graph, the algorithm will traverse in this order:

A, B, D, E, D, B, A, C, D, E

Is there any way I can express the run-time complexity of this algorithm in terms of edges, nodes, or the depth of the graph? I expect it would be high, I have the feeling it will be exponential, but I'm struggling to explain why.

EDIT: The real algorithm that I am analyzing is computing the result of an expression tree, only it is not run at a tree, but at a DAG. This means, that nodes that have several parents get computed once for all parents.

Simple pseudo-code for the algorithm might be:

        return root.value;
    } else {
        leftval = calculate(root.left);
        rightval = calculate(root.right);
        return root.operator(leftval, rightval);

No correct solution

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