
I have an ordered set of $M$ software modules compiled together. The interaction of some $N$-tuple of these modules is causing a bug when the program is run.

I can run the program with any desired subset of the modules enabled/disabled, so I can test the program by running it with a certain subset of modules enabled and seeing whether it crashes or not (call that "a test"). I would like to identify which $N$ modules are causing this issue with the minimal number of tests. Assume that any particular test will lead to a crash if and only if it includes all of the $N$ problematic modules (and possibly others; but at least those $N$).

$N$ is known ahead of time.

For $N=1$, I can efficiently identify the culprit in $\log_2(M)$ tests by binary search.

For other values of $N$, what approach can I take to identify the $N$ culprits?

No correct solution

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