
In a paper I am writing I want to make distinction between (1) string consisting of any characters and (2) string consisting of a chain of words from known language, with possible delimiters. My intuitive idea is to simply use string for meaning (1) and text for meaning (2). It sounds a bit naive, but this terminology could work, given that I define it properly in my paper.

Yet I have an uneasy feeling that meaning (2) has fancier name in fields of computer science or computational linguistics. So, what are the precise terms to make distinction between the two types of strings?


Suppose we have an alphabet Σ = {a, b, c, ~}, where ~ is a delimiter symbol, and language L = {aaa, bbb, abc}.

Now, the following strings satisfy definition (1), but not (2):

  • cba
  • a
  • aaaa
  • a~b~~

And the following strings would satisfy both definitions (because they are made of the words of language L).

  • aaabbbabc
  • abc
  • aaa~bbb~aaa~~~aaa
  • ~
  • (an empty string)

In some applications my strings could be actual text in a human language like English, Lithuanian or Esperanto. But this is not required. It could also be a DNA chain, a binary file, or anything else. Also keep in mind, that in practical applications the strings would most likely be long (like a journal article, or entire corpus for that matter), so calling it a "sentence" would be a bit of understatement. Meaning of the text is entirely irrelevant here.

So, regarding definition (1) all is clear - I just call it a string on alphabet Σ. Now the core question is this: what do I call the strings from the second example to make them distinct from the first example. My initial idea is to call it a "text". One of the answers proposed "word string", which I like even better. Maybe you have seen other terms being used for such purpose in the literature?

It might seem that I'm in extreme hair splitting mode here. Yet that term will be all over my PhD thesis, very likely including the title. Therefore I really want to get my terminology straight.

No correct solution

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