
I need to append some text to an input field...

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    $('#input-field-id').val($('#input-field-id').val() + 'more text');
<script src=""></script>
<input id="input-field-id" />


There are two options. Ayman's approach is the most simple, but I would add one extra note to it. You should really cache jQuery selections, there is no reason to call $("#input-field-id") twice:

var input = $( "#input-field-id" );
input.val( input.val() + "more text" );

The other option, .val() can also take a function as an argument. This has the advantange of easily working on multiple inputs:

$( "input" ).val( function( index, val ) {
    return val + "more text";

If you are planning to use appending more then once, you might want to write a function:

//Append text to input element
function jQ_append(id_of_input, text){
    var input_id = '#'+id_of_input;
    $(input_id).val($(input_id).val() + text);

After you can just call it:

jQ_append('my_input_id', 'add this text');

You are probably looking for val()

	// Define appendVal by extending JQuery
	$.fn.appendVal = function( TextToAppend ) {
		return $(this).val(
			$(this).val() + TextToAppend

	// And that's how to use it:
		.appendVal( 'This text was just added' )
<script src=""></script>
          id    =  "SomeID"
          value =  "ValueText"
          type  =  "text"
>Current NodeText

Well when creating this example I somehow got a little confused. "ValueText" vs >Current NodeText< Isn't .val() supposed to run on the data of the value attribute? Anyway I and you me may clear up this sooner or later.

However the point for now is:

When working with form data use .val().

When dealing with the mostly read only data in between the tag use .text() or .append() to append text.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src=""></script>
    <style type="text/css">
            font-family: arial;
            font-size: 15px;
    <button id="more">More</button><br/><br/>
        User Name : <input type="text" class="users"/><br/><br/>
    <button id="btn_data">Send Data</button>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
                var textMore = "User Name : <input type='text' class='users'/><br/><br/>";

                var users=$(".users");
                $(users).each(function(i, e) {

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