
I want to use the bcp command in Linux as the following:

bcp "EasyCash.dbo.user" out "[EasyCash].[dbo].[user].dat" -q -c -t "<EOFD>"
         -r "<EORD>" -Usa -P123456 -S192.168.1.5

The message in Linux shows like that:

-base bcp: command not found

Can anyone solve my problem?

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Assuming that you have whatever package on your machine that contains the bcp executable, try typing

locate bcp | grep bin

and look at the output to see if this executable exists on your computer but is not in your path. If this does not return anything, then you are missing the executable. If this turns up something, then you can try to run it using the whole path.


You can use FreeTDS and its FreeBCP utility. It's comparable to MSSQL Server's bcp.exe

That example sure looks like MSSQL's BCP command )(-Usa... the 'sa' user). MSSQL is a Windows only product.

See the Sybase ASE documentation for full details of how to install, deploy and use the bcp command. Or ask your DBA.

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