
We've noticed that since deploying Windows 2012/SQL Server 2012, the performance of DTUTIL has decreased. DTUTIL.exe consumes 50% on each of 2 cores on an 8 GB VM. The same syntax against Win 2008 R2/SQL Server 2008 R2 shows almost no impact on a VM with similar specs. Overall, it takes ~90-120 seconds to deploy a package.

We're using 64-bit SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition on SP1; the syntax of the command is:

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\DTS\Binn\dtutil.exe" /DestS COMPUTER1 /FILE "e:\folder\SSISPackage.dtsx" /COPY "SQL;FOO\BAR\SSISPackage" /QUIET 

We have not yet tried this using the new SSIS approach in 2012. We have validated that the behavior repros across multiple different packages. We've also looked at all of the post-SP1 cumulative updates; they do not appear to address this problem, but we also have not applied them either to rule that out.

Has anyone else encountered/resolved this? Granted, package deployment is not a high frequency action, but we do notice it during our automated deployments.

No correct solution

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