
This question requires a bit of setup, please bear with me.

Last week my company rolled out a new change management procedure. Any change destined for production requires a change control record; this policy was already in place and I don't disagree with it. The new procedure, however, involves a highly convoluted, server-intensive web app for creating the records. As an added bonus the servers are in Europe (I'm in Seattle), which often results in latency issues.

Any given change record requires (at a minimum) a business justification, requirements document, pre-implementation plan, pre-implementation test plan, execution plan, execution test plan, post-implementation plan and post-implementation test plan. These plans have to be typed manually into the aforementioned web app.

After creating the record, the developer making the change is required to attend an hour-long phone conference with the Change Advisory Board to justify the change. Nevermind that the change request passed through four layers of management before hitting our desks; it's on us to justify the work.

I'm of the opinion that any work that lands on my desk should have been justified long since, preferably by the person/department requesting the work. This may end up being a deal-breaker for me.

My question is, how common is this practice in the programming shops of non-software companies?

Edit: There's a lot of good feedback here. It sounds like the solution is to join a software company that isn't involved in finance, healthcare or government. :) Thanks to everyone for the responses.

No correct solution

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