
I'm trying to plot a bar chart to represent the frequency of two variables (Dead and Alive) in my test and training data. I want it to look like the second example described in the documentation (minus the error bars).

Image showing desired output

Currently i have

yfreq = pd.DataFrame(data = [Counter(Ytrain),Counter(Ytest)],
                     index = ['Train','Test'])
yfreq.columns = ['Dead', 'Alive']
>>>        Dead  Alive
    Train   384    239
    Test    165    103

And then for the graph

sns.barplot(data = yfreq)

Which correctly outputs a graph but does not split the data into test and training data.

Image showing Currently outputted graph

I know it has something to do with the hue kwarg but i can't work out how too do it.

Thanks in advance

No correct solution

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