
I am using wxruby but as far as I can tell its not only a ruby problem. If I try to copy and paste rich text into the wxRichTextCtrl it loses all the formatting. What am I missing? Is there any way to make this work?

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Looking at the SVN trunk code for richtextbuffer.cpp, in particular the method

bool wxRichTextBuffer::PasteFromClipboard(long position)

the control accepts exactly 4 different clipboard formats:

  • its own private format wxRichTextBufferDataObject::GetRichTextBufferFormatId()

  • standard text formats wxDF_TEXT and wxDF_UNICODETEXT

  • a bitmap format wxDF_BITMAP

So it is indeed possible to copy and paste rich text between different or within a single wxRichTextCtrl, but there is no support for pasting RTF or similar data from external applications into a wxRichTextCtrl.

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