

Now admittedly this sounds like a silly question;

But, I actually have a need for this. I use tiddlywiki alot, and it'd be really, really cool if I could save changes to a tiddlywiki in some mobile browser.

But it seems that with all the mobile browsers that I've tried, changes I make to my tiddlywiki cannot be saved to an SD Card;

However it seems that although some mobile browsers are quite capable of loading and saving changes that are hosted on a webserver (I've actually tried this on my blog on with opera-mini and successfully saved the changes.)

Now, if I could just host a webserver that runs on my Windows Mobile device, and that webserver could be capable of running a simple dynamic page generation language and some-how writing and reading from a txt file or database of some sort, I could access/modifiy my tiddlywiki's without having to pay to host them somewhere (even if I have to write the backend myself it'd be worth it!)

Here are a few mobile-webservers I've found:

  • Tiny Java Webserver and Container
    • Only problem with this one is that I don't think my WM6 device can run more than on JVM at the same time (thus that knocks out most of the browsers I'd use to access it since..ahem they're mostly written in Java...)
  • Mobile Web Server
    • Seems good, but there doesn't seem to be any way to run a backend (just seems to serve up pages).
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Windows Mobile has a built in basic web server (HTTPD) that I think can support ASP and has support for ISAPI filters (see here). If ASP ain't your thing you could probably get some light weight scripting languages to run under CE, still a daunting task and you will still need to write the wiki software.

Why not use one of the many free hosted wikis? (see a comparison here)

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