
Is there any speed difference between these two versions?

<?php echo $var; ?>


Which do you recommend, and why?

Was it helpful?


Performance difference is insignificant. Moreover, with use of APC, performance difference is zero, null, nada.

<?=$var?> requires short tags activated. Short tags are problematic within XML, because <? is also markup for XML processing tag. So if you're writing code that should be portable, use the long form.

See short_open_tag description in


Technically the parser has to parse every character of the longer version, and there's a few more characters for every transfer.

If your webserver doesn't "pre-compile" (ie: cache tokenized PHP pages) then there is a slight performance difference. This should be insignificant except, perhaps, when you start talking about billions of runs.


Performance wise it is insignificant.

Proper usage says to use the longer one, as it is more portable. Personally? I do the shorter one.

in php 5.3 short tag ASP-style <% %> support will be deprecated, try to avoid this and rewrite the code to the '<?php echo' format, because u cant use <?xml ?> inline for example.

No, they are identical. If you like typing a lot use <?php echo $var; ?>, otherwise just save time with <?=$var?>.

I think the second one requires the short_open_tag (in PHP.ini) to be set to true.

Meaning there is a chance it's turned off on some webservers.

Which do you recommend

Neither, unless you really want to allow HTML injection. (99% of the time, you don't.)

<?php echo htmlspecialchars($var); ?>

Or define a function that does echo(htmlspecialchars($arg)) with a shorter name to avoid all that typing.

The speed difference depends on how fast you can type those 9 extra characters.
It can also improve the readability of your code, but this is debatable.

If your talking about execution-speed there is no noticable difference.

Don't try to optimize with these, it's useless. Instead, deactivate allow_short_tags (because of problems when loading XML files) and write clean, readable and understandable code.

Even if there may be a slight difference (which is definitely lower than 10%), it's useles to optimize with it. If your scripts are slow, look at your loops first. Most of the time you can win a lot more performance by optimizing the programms flow than by using strange syntax.

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