
I am using the ACF Plugin. I want to have a field where I can upload an image, and the result will display the full image in the Lightbox and then then full image will be resized into a thumbnail from that field (like a normal Lightbox).

So far I have the script here, and this is where I am at:

<div class="single last">
<a href="<?php echo the_field('image_gallery'); ?>" rel="lightbox" title="<?php the_title(); ?>">

$main_car_pic = addslashes(the_repeater_field('image_gallery'));
$reg_ext = "#.jpg#i";
$thumb_ext = "-150x150.jpg";
$car_thumb = preg_replace($reg_ext, $thumb_ext, $main_car_pic);

echo $car_thumb

The ACF Repeater field isn't working properly and I cannot work why, does anybody have any experience with ACF and resizing images for thumbnails.. Hope what code I have done helps and I'll be really appreciate it, if nto comment and I can supply anything that might help.

No correct solution

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