
I have my dev files at ~/bin/, while my Git repo files at ~/github/myProject/. I always run the following file to copy files from the former location to the latter one:


# editors# {{{
cp /Users/Masi/.emacs /Users/Masi/gitHub/MasiDvorak/
cp /Users/Masi/bin/editors/emacs/* /Users/Masi/gitHub/MasiDvorak/editors/emacs/

cp /Users/Masi/.vimrc /Users/Masi/gitHub/MasiDvorak/
cp /Users/Masi/bin/editors/vim/* /Users/Masi/gitHub/MasiDvorak/editors/vim/
# }}}
# shells# {{{
cp /Users/Masi/.bashrc /Users/Masi/gitHub/MasiDvorak/
cp /Users/Masi/.profile /Users/Masi/gitHub/MasiDvorak/
cp /Users/Masi/.zshrc /Users/Masi/gitHub/MasiDvorak/
# }}}

# programming# {{{
cp /Users/Masi/.screenrc /Users/Masi/gitHub/MasiDvorak/
cp /Users/Masi/.Xmodmap /Users/Masi/gitHub/MasiDvorak/
cp /Users/Masi/.xmonad/xmonad.hs /Users/Masi/gitHub/MasiDvorak/.xmonad/
cp /Users/Masi/.gdbinit /Users/Masi/gitHub/MasiDvorak/ 
cp /Users/Masi/.xmonad/xmonad.hs /Users/Masi/gitHub/MasiDvorak/ 
# }}}

The reason is that I want to avoid the files such as

xmonad.hs~   # all ~ -files

to be added to my Git repo.

My way of coping the files starts to be challenging to be controlled, since it is time-consuming for me to find and add each file to the file copy_dev-files_to_github.

How do you copy development files to your local Git repo?

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Another solution might be to change the infra structure of your development enviroment, so that these copying steps aren't needed in the first place.


Why are you manually copying files around at all? Surely you should just add them to the repo, then check out and commit as necessary. I don't see the need to move the files around - that seems to defeat the whole purpose of a local checkout.

To avoid adding certain files, just list them in .git/info/exclude.

You could use rsync with the --exclude option.


rsync --exclude='.gitconfig' --exclude='*~' /Users/Masi/ /Users/Masi/gitHub/MasiDvorak/

Once a file is added to the repository, excluding will not make git ignore that file.
try using a .gitignore file on a fresh repository. also you should probably play around in a noncritical directory, rather than your home directory.

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