
I had been programming for many years but wanted a diploma to make myself more employable. Having already been through university once, I didn't choose a full 5 year computer science major but a shorter, more practically-oriented software engineering program.

I expected that it might focus more on concrete skills than on theory, but still had this idea that universities and professors like things to be correct, formal, academic. It's still science, right? Wrong - I was surprised by how sloppy many IT courses were.

In an introductory course on C++ we were tested on clichés like "why are globals bad" and "why are constants good", after just writing 1-2 programs. Random anecdotes without proper context. Handouts contained system(pause/cls), getch and headers like conio.h and iodos.h. One of the tasks was to print "ASCII characters" from 32 to 255, with a screenshot showing such a table printed using the Windows-1252 code page, but without mentioning encoding at all.

Question: when a university/professor seems to be using inferior and/or outdated tools and methods, and the content being taught is borderline incorrect, how do you deal with it constructively and respectfully, if at all?

Some answers point out that you should look beyond the programming since it is just a tool for learning about topics such as data structures and algorithms. I agree with this idea, but in this case there wasn't really any such plan behind the poor style. Most courses would simply teach another "tool" without much background theory or any "big picture". It often felt like they were quickly put together just for the sake of offering such a course.

I stuck with it and finally graduated. Quality remained pretty low throughout (with a few great exceptions), and several other students have been complaining about it. As expected I have learned much more from personal projects and part-time jobs than from school, however the process of finishing school and the label "software student" seem mysteriously useful in themselves!

No correct solution

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