
From a strictly implementation and computer science point of view how would you classify the Php array datastructure? Is it an associative array? a hash? a dictionary? ... ?

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From the PHP manual:

An array in PHP is actually an ordered map. A map is a type that associates values to keys. This type is optimized for several different uses; it can be treated as an array, list (vector), hash table (an implementation of a map), dictionary, collection, stack, queue, and probably more.


Well, it depends on how you wish to classify it. I'd opt for classification by the performance of operations.

For example, a true array in Computer Science terms has an O(1) lookup time, while a linked list has an O(n) lookup time. Insertion and deletion are O(1) in a linked list while they are O(n) in an array.

I am not sure what the actual performance of a PHP array is, but if you measure a few of the elementary operations on them and compare them with what's expected from the 'true Computer Science datastructures' you should be able to classify it.

It's a bit difficult to define it in my opinion. Although, I think I would classify it as an associative array since most of the defined operations for an associative array are available on PHP arrays.

It depends on what you want to define really. A dictionary or map refers to the behaviour of the datatype, while a hashmap refers to a specific implementation hereof. The term array is a bit tinted - Strictly speaking, it refers to a concrete implementation, whereas a list is a generic term that refers to any array-like datatype. It's however quite common to use array as a synonym for list.

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