
In other words, what is the Drupl 8 equivalent of hook_menu_alter()?

Drupal 8 still uses hook_menu(), but for what I can see, the information returned by the hook is different from what the hook returned in Drupal 7. For example, the definition given in user_menu() for user is the following.

  $items['user'] = array(
    'title' => 'User account',
    'title callback' => 'user_menu_title',
    'weight' => -10,
    'route_name' => 'user_page',
    'menu_name' => 'account',

The route_name property links to an entry in the user.routing.yml file.

  pattern: '/user'
    _content: '\Drupal\user\Controller\UserController::userPage'
    _access: 'TRUE'

This is different from what done with Symphony, and it confuses me about how a module can alter the route defined from another user.

The only function that is still invoking hook_menu_alter() is menu_router_build(), but that function still contains code that needs to be updated, since it is still using the now deprecated drupal_alter().

  // Alter the menu as defined in modules, keys are like user/%user.
  drupal_alter('menu', $callbacks);
  foreach ($callbacks as $path => $router_item) {
    // If the menu item is a default local task and incorrectly references a
    // route, remove it.
    // @todo This may be removed later depending on the outcome of
    if (isset($router_item['type']) && $router_item['type'] == MENU_DEFAULT_LOCAL_TASK) {
    // If the menu item references a route, normalize the route information
    // into the old structure. Note that routes are keyed by name, not path,
    // so the path of the route takes precedence.
    if (isset($router_item['route_name'])) {
      $router_item['page callback'] = 'USES_ROUTE';
      $router_item['access callback'] = TRUE;
      $new_path = _menu_router_translate_route($router_item['route_name']);

      $callbacks[$new_path] = $router_item;

No correct solution

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