
I'm a 16 year old high school student, with a passion for computer programming. I'm in grade 11, and I've been learning it as part of the school syllabus for about 8 months. I've gone beyond what's being taught at school, and witten a few (reasonably good) applications. The language that I program in is C++, on the windows platform. Eventually I'd like to major in CS at a good college and then work as a programmer.

The specific questions that I have are:

  • What is a good place for me to get my work noticed ?
  • Are there any journals, or publications specifically for young programmers ?
  • If not publications, then are there any good blogs, or is it just better to start your own ?
  • Is there anything else, that would help me get noticed as a programmer ?

I've tried to be as objective as possible.

If all this was tl;dr: What's the best way to get noticed as a young programmer ?

Edit: I am not looking to get hired straight out of high school The aim is not to impress the community as a professional programmer. This is with intent towards college applications where having your work seen and critiqued by other people will improve your application. I am not looking to earn money from what I've written (so far).

No correct solution

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