
I implemented a custom membership provider. I've also implemented my custom AES Encryption/Decryption overriding the abstract EncryptPassword/DecryptPassword of the MembershipProvider.

however, when I trigger ValidateUser, the password is not automatically converted, am I missing something?

Is it supposed to be called automatically or I have to call this method from my code?

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You need to call your encryption routines yourself.


You need to include the calls to your encryption/decryption methods, something like should do:

public override bool ValidateUser(string username, string password)
    string password=query to get the password from the db/users_list;

    return (CheckPassword(password, storedPassword));

private bool CheckPassword(string password, string dbpassword)
    string pwd1 = password;
    string pwd2 = dbpassword;

    pwd2 = UEncodePassword(dbpassword);

    if (pwd1 == pwd2) return true;

    return false;

private string UEncodePassword(string encodedPassword)
    string password = encodedPassword;
    password = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(DecryptPassword(Convert.FromBase64String(encodedPassword)));

    return password;
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