
Is it logical to estimate cost of project depends on source lines of code?

Like those calculated reports from tools such as

How to convince [somebody|employer|client] to pay depends on those reports ? The weird things come to scene when I see something like $83,862 based on my project.

Sometimes the developer [him|her]self would write more lines of code because of this estimating.

So if the count of the source lines isn't worthy, Why should be [sometimes|somehow] interesting part of development, Specially for employer, It does amaze them but why doesn't have any effect on pricing ?

Hey Employer I've developed this project that worth $1 million dollars, This source code counter program will prove it.

Maybe I don't know the real worth of my work, Should I public it for people and collect some comments about it or show it to some [experts|consultants] to find-out or just estimate myself upon my knowledge, And all of these solutions aren't right or at least logical.

And what happens to those codes I didn't wrote by myself, I mean sometimes we just copy a piece of code and [pasted|modified] into project.

And if estimating in this way is wrong, What is the purpose of these tools to generate such a report about source lines of code, Average hourly work and other facts.

Ohloh :

Estimated Cost

We calculate the estimated cost of the project using the Basic COCOMO model. For those familiar with the details, we are using coeffcients a=2.4 and b=105.

Estimate still seems way off?

Software cost estimation is tricky business even when all the variables are known (which we certainly don't have). One thing to remember is that COCOMO was created to model large institutional projects, which often don't compare well with distributed open-source projects. Beyond just development time, COCOMO is meant to include the design, specification drafting, reviewing and management overhead that goes along with producing quality software.

This model seems to be most accurate with mature, large projects. Young projects with little activity are typically overvalued.

I know quote from ohloh isn't just about SLOC

No correct solution

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