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Licensing for hosted open source and 3rd party libraries

I am newbie in the open source community world. I am planning to develop a open source project, hosted on github. The project would be using other open source components like- NHibernate, FNH, Log4net, CommonLibrary, Autofac, Quartz.Net Scheduler etc etc

My questions are:

  1. Would there be any restrictions on using above OSS components? for
    example: I plan to use MIT license, but Quartz.Net Scheduler uses
    Apache license, would there be any restrictions?
  2. How do I get a license for my own project? Do I need to register my project somewhere?
  3. What is the best practice to mention credits to the OSS compoenents used?

Many thanks,

No correct solution

Licensed under: CC-BY-SA with attribution
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