
I am working with the Theme Customizer API and am going crazy trying to find the stored values. The values successfully save and update on the front-end, so they are obviously registered successfully, however, I'm storing the options as theme specific via this method where $this_theme is set as $this_theme = preg_split('/themes\//', get_stylesheet_directory_uri())[1];. The following code is inside of a foreach loop and iterating over a multi-dimensional array with all of the variable metadata for each option (referenced below as $param['foo']).

I'm using this method for dropdown options for font selection and also for colors, but when doing get_theme_mod($this_theme . '_theme_options') the returned results show the font dropdown options but not the WP_Customize_Color_Control options. I'm going crazy trying to find a divergence between the two and have not found any. Thanks so much!

    $wp_customize->add_setting( $this_theme . '_theme_options['. $setting .']', array(
        'default' => $param['default'],
        'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_hex_color',
        'type' => 'option',
        'capability' => 'edit_theme_options',
        'priority' => $i

    ) );

        new WP_Customize_Color_Control(
            $this_theme . '_theme_options_'. $setting,
                'label'     => $param['label'],
                'section'   => $param['section'],
                'settings'  => $this_theme . '_theme_options['. $setting  .']',
                'priority'  => $i

No correct solution

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