
I'm developing a commercial CMS, which I'm going to sell. I use jQuery, also I use date and time picker jQuery plugin in it, I can say this is just a 1% of my big script.

I don't want sell my whole program as GPL because of these two small integrations (jQuery and DateTime picker).

My questions:

  1. I'm worried about the license issue. What is the best way to sell my product (what should be the licensing type)?
  2. Is there any way to provide some partial licenses? I mean just add small notification in my license that the jQuery and The DateTime picker is still in GPL, but for the other part of this CMS a commercial license?
  3. If there isn't any way to sell commercial product as close source with GPL small parts, what is the most strong license for selling my product to keep it safe?

No correct solution

Licensed under: CC-BY-SA with attribution
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