
I am using the following code to retrieve images from the web:

$get = wp_remote_get($image_file_name);
$mirror = wp_upload_bits(basename($image_file_name), '', wp_remote_retrieve_body($get));

This code works just fine with all sorts of images except when images have no extension. For example, if image file name was:

then running the above code would be ok. However, the link

would give the following error:

    [error] => Invalid file type

After further investigation, it looks like wp_upload_bits has the following code in it:

$wp_filetype = wp_check_filetype( $name );
if ( ! $wp_filetype['ext'] && ! current_user_can( 'unfiltered_upload' ) )
    return array( 'error' => __( 'Invalid file type' ) );

And it seems that it is checking if an extension actually exists, and if not, then there is an error.

So my question is how do I work around this to download images that do not have extensions?


No correct solution

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