
I would like to achieve the following (using a copy of twentytwelve):

  • Turn off custom-header theme support to prevent users being able to upload their own images (achieved)
  • Create own section in customize admin area (achieved)
  • Add a list containing thumbnails to be selected to replace header image. No upload capabilities.

I am trying to hook into customize_register and utilize WP_Customize_Image_Control but get it to only display a predefined list of images without the upload options. This post explains how to use the customize_register and in the additional notes towards the bottom goes onto describe what each control can do. It suggests WP_Customize_Image_Control is used to upload AND display a list of images. I just want a list.

This post shows you how to add the images to a 'default' tab but the original custom-header theme support has to be switched on which gives users the option to add header images from the admin page.

I know I could do it using a simple drop down menu but I like the selector window which provides a visual prompt.

Does anyone have a suggestion as to how I might utilize customize_register to achieve this?

No correct solution

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