
I am looking to add a custom column to a custom post type post listing table in the dashboard.

I have read many questions / answers on WPSE, along with this article. Although, it seems like everyone wants to query by meta key / value.

I am trying to add a taxonomy value (basically a category) to a custom post type table.

I would like the column to be sortable, however I am not understanding the query adjustment.

Add the column title.

function mbe_column_titles($columns){
    $columns['title'] = 'Frequently Asked Question';
    $columns['mbe-faq-category'] = 'Category';
    return $columns;
add_filter('manage_mbe-faqs_posts_columns', 'mbe_column_titles');

Add the row values.

function mbe_column_rows($column_name, $post_id){
    if($column_name == 'mbe-faq-category'){
        $categories = wp_get_object_terms($post_id, 'mbe-faq-categories');
        $the_category = array();
            foreach($categories as $category){
                $the_category[] = $category->name;
        echo join(', ', $the_category);
add_action('manage_mbe-faqs_posts_custom_column', 'mbe_column_rows', 10, 2);

Prepare the ordering key,

function mbe_sortable_columns($columns){
    $columns['mbe-faq-category'] = 'mbe-faq-category';
    return $columns;
add_filter('manage_edit-mbe-faqs_sortable_columns', 'mbe_sortable_columns');

I am stumped on how to actually sort the column by the FAQ Category. I would assume this would be a taxonomy query. I am too embarrassed to even post my attempt of handling this, and everything I do seems to fail. I would like to use the pre_get_posts filter to handle this if possible.

No correct solution

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