
The problem

Let's say I have a class called DataSource which provides a ReadData method (and maybe others, but let's keep things simple) to read data from an .mdb file:

var source = new DataSource("myFile.mdb");
var data = source.ReadData();

A few years later, I decide that I want to be able to support .xml files in addition to .mdb files as data sources. The implementation for "reading data" is quite different for .xml and .mdb files; thus, if I were to design the system from scratch, I'd define it like this:

abstract class DataSource {
    abstract Data ReadData();
    static DataSource OpenDataSource(string fileName) {
        // return MdbDataSource or XmlDataSource, as appropriate

class MdbDataSource : DataSource {
    override Data ReadData() { /* implementation 1 */ }

class XmlDataSource : DataSource {
    override Data ReadData() { /* implementation 2 */ }

Great, a perfect implementation of the Factory method pattern. Unfortunately, DataSource is located in a library and refactoring the code like this would break all existing calls of

var source = new DataSource("myFile.mdb");

in the various clients using the library. Woe is me, why didn't I use a factory method in the first place?


These are the solutions I could come up with:

  1. Make the DataSource constructor return a subtype (MdbDataSource or XmlDataSource). That would solve all my problems. Unfortunately, C# does not support that.

  2. Use different names:

    abstract class DataSourceBase { ... }    // corresponds to DataSource in the example above
    class DataSource : DataSourceBase {      // corresponds to MdbDataSource in the example above
        [Obsolete("New code should use DataSourceBase.OpenDataSource instead")]
        DataSource(string fileName) { ... }
    class XmlDataSource : DataSourceBase { ... }

    That's what I ended up using since it keeps the code backwards-compatible (i.e. calls to new DataSource("myFile.mdb") still work). Drawback: The names are not as descriptive as they should be.

  3. Make DataSource a "wrapper" for the real implementation:

    class DataSource {
        private DataSourceImpl impl;
        DataSource(string fileName) {
            impl = ... ? new MdbDataSourceImpl(fileName) : new XmlDataSourceImpl(fileName);
        Data ReadData() {
            return impl.ReadData();
        abstract private class DataSourceImpl { ... }
        private class MdbDataSourceImpl : DataSourceImpl { ... }
        private class XmlDataSourceImpl : DataSourceImpl { ... }

    Drawback: Every data source method (such as ReadData) must be routed by boilerplate code. I don't like boilerplate code. It's redundant and clutters the code.

Is there any elegant solution that I have missed?

No correct solution

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