
I want to call a named_scope that will only return one record, but the named_scope returns an array, that's not a big deal as I can just chain it with .first:


and this works, what I am struggling with is how to stub the chained call. Does anyone have a reference or an answer on how I would go about achieving this with Rspec mocking?

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I figured something out.

Client.stub!(:named_scope).and_return(@clients = mock([Client]))
@clients.stub!(:first).and_return(@client = mock(Client))

which allows me to call my controller:

@client = Client.named_scope(param).first

It works, but is there a better solution?


The release of rspec 1.2.6 allows us to use stub_chain meaning it can now be:

Client.stub_chain(:named_scope, :chained_call).and_return(@clients = [mock(Client)])

This was top of my head, as always check the api for specifics :)


Better version of

Client.stub!(:named_scope).and_return(@clients = mock([Client]))
@clients.stub!(:first).and_return(@client = mock(Client))

will be:

Client.should_receive(:named_scope).with(param).and_return do
  record = mock_model(Comm)

The question is quite old and hence there are few enhancements in how stubbing can be done. Now you can use stub_chain method to stub a chain of method calls. For example:

@client = Client.named_scope(param).first

can be stubbed with:

Client.stub_chain(:named_scope,:first).and_return(@client = mock(Client))

More examples of stub_chaining:

describe "stubbing a chain of methods" do
  subject { }

  context "given symbols representing methods" do
    it "returns the correct value" do
      subject.stub_chain(:one, :two, :three).and_return(:four) eq(:four)

  context "given a string of methods separated by dots" do
    it "returns the correct value" do
      subject.stub_chain("one.two.three").and_return(:four) eq(:four)

or please have a look at:

Long live the rspecs!!! :)

I suppose this is in a controller spec?

Your own suggestion should work fine. Another possibility is to move the named_scope call inside your model, to avoid the issue entirely. This would also be in line with the "fat models, thin controllers" advice.

I think you've already done the thin controller thing by putting the query into a named scope where it can be reused. Here is some code I used before I started using named scopes.

  def mock_comm(stubs={})
    @mock_comm ||= mock_model(Comm, stubs)

  describe "responding to GET index" do

    it "should expose all comms as @comms" do
      get :index
      assigns[:comms].should == [mock_comm]
# ...

I would probably write code quite similar to what you have already, but maybe put it in a helper that allows me to reuse it. The other thing is to use a different mocking framework that maybe gives you more control. Have a look at Ryan Bates' railscast on RSpec - it's a bit old now but still some good ideas in there.

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