
i'm doing gesture recognition in python and one the the more complete library i've found that can manage Hidden Markov Model is nltk. But there is something that i can't understand.

First of all, the data. I have coordinates of the gesture and i have clustized them in 8 cluster (with k-means). so this is my gesture structure:

raw coordinates x,y: [[123,16], [120,16], [115,16], [111,16], [107,16], [103,17], ...]

centroids x,y : [[ 132.375        56.625     ]
                 [ 122.45454545   30.09090909]
                 [  70.5          27.33333333]

labels: [5 6 6 6 6 6 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 ...]

Now i want to train an HMM with Baum-Welch with my . So HiddenMarkovModelTrainer is my class.

I've found in internet some few more implementations of baum welch, but only in Matlab. the implementation of this algorithms tipically need this input:

baum-welch(X, alphabet, H)

where - X is the data for train (in my case - labels) - alphabet the possible values of the data (in my case - 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - H the number of hidden states

Now i am confused because in ntlk.HiddenMarkovModelTrainer constructor i have to give states and symbols and i don't know what they should be, considering that the data to train X is the imput of HiddenMarkovModelTrainer.train_unsupervised() method i think that my alphabet is symbol.. i don't know what to put in states.

i hope my explanation is clear even if my english is poor.

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