
What's a good, simple way to have alternate row coloring with freemarker?

Is this really the best way?

<#assign row=0>
<#list items as item>
    <#if (row % 2) == 0>
        <#assign bgcolor="green">
        <#assign bgcolor="red">
    <tr style='background-color: ${bgcolor}'><td>${item}</td></tr>
    <#assign row = row + 1>

I tried doing this:

<#assign row=0>
<#list items as item>
    <tr style='background-color: ${(row % 2) == 0 ? "green" : "blue"}'><td>${item}</td></tr>
    <#assign row = row + 1>

But apparently you can't user the ternary operator in there.

Note: I guess I should have mentioned it earlier, but I can't use css classes or javascript, since this HTML is going into an email message.

Was it helpful?


If you have a series of tables you might want to make a little function.

<#function zebra index>
  <#if (index % 2) == 0>
    <#return "white" />
    <#return "#efefef" />

<#assign arr=["a","b","c","d"] />
<#list arr as n>
  <tr><td bgcolor=${zebra(n_index)}>${n}</td></tr>

and the _index builtin when using list saves you from having to make and increment an index variable yourself.


class='${["odd", "even"][item_index%2]}'

With freemarker, you can use the string built-in:

<#list items as item>
   <tr style='background-color: ${((item_index % 2)==0)?string("green", "blue")}'><td>${item}</td></tr>

Hmmm... OK, this is the best I've come up with:

<#assign row=0>
<#list items as item>
    <tr style='background-color: <#if (row % 2) == 0>green<#else>red</#if>'><td>${item}</td></tr>
    <#assign row = row + 1>

From the deafening silence I deduce there's no nicer way of doing this.

A solution then boils down to this:

.rowon {



In your template:

<#list items as item>
    <tr  class="<#if item_index % 2 ==0>rowon<#else>rowoff</#if>"><td>${item}</td></tr>

However, as stated in a previous reply, you can do this with CSS, without this freemarker solution (see

.striped tr:nth-child(odd) {background: #eee}
.striped tr:nth-child(even) {background: #fefefe}

And then just use a normal table without classes on the rows:

<table class="striped">

OR with a freemarker generated table:

<table class="striped">
<#list items as item>

So it is all in the CSS.

In FreeMarker 2.3.23:

<#list items as item>
    <tr style='background-color: ${item?item_cycle('green', 'red')}'><td>${item}</td></tr>

Using FreeMarker, there are limited ways of answering this question, but if you're wanting to use CSS alone (Which still allows separation of concerns), then here's one way:

Put the following in your stylesheet:

tr.linea {
    background-color: #CC9999; color: black;
tr.lineb {
    background-color: #9999CC; color: black;

Then use the following tr class to define alternate lines:

<tr class="linea"><td>One Fish</td></tr>
<tr class="lineb"><td>Two Fish</td></tr>
<tr class="linea"><td>Red Fish</td></tr>
<tr class="lineb"><td>Blue Fish</td></tr>

There are many resources to choose from as well.

Edit: If your HTML is going into an email, then you can't be sure that the client's email client will allow whatever HTML you're trying to put into it. Your best bet at that point is to use FreeMarker similiar to how you have it, except that you need to remove the style tag, and use colors for each row using bgcolor="color" in your <tr> tags.

You can simulate ternary operator in FreeMarker using the following construction: ${condition?string(result_for_true, result_for_false)}.

<#assign arr=["a","b","c","d"] />
<#list arr as n>
    <tr><td bgcolor=${((index % 2) == 0)?string("white", "#efefef")}>${n}</td></tr>
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