
I am trying to open a feed dialog using the JS SDK's FB.ui method and have it close after the user shares. My problem is the feed dialog is requiring a redirect_uri even though the documentation says it doesn't have to be defined, and the popup window redirects there and will not close like the callback function says.

Here's my code, attached to the submit click event:

    FB.ui (
            method: 'feed',
            name: 'xxx!',
            link: 'link to FB tab',
            picture: 'jpg',
            caption: 'xxx',
            actions: {name:'xxx',link:'url'},
            ref: 'xxx',
            redirect_uri: 'link to FB tab'
        function(response) {

If I leave off the redirect_uri, the popup opens but it just says the FB app has an error and please try again.

No correct solution

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