
So I started using Git a few days ago. ( Very late to the party - don't scold :) ). Really starting to get comfortable with the basic commands, ideas and workflows. However, submodules are really taking my brain for a ride. I am attempting to contribute code to FuelPHP's GitHub and I could use some guidance and tips.

I am running the following commands in the terminal:

//1: clone the repository from Fuel's github.
git clone git://

//2: move into the main fuel directory
cd fuel

//3: initilize the submodules (populate .git/config with submodule data)
git submodule init

//4: download the submodules...
git submodule update

//5: move into the core directory (which is a submodule).
cd fuel/core

//6: change branch from (*no branch) to 1.1/develop
git checkout 1.1/develop

//7: open random file in text editor + make some small change (i.e. typo) + save file.
sudo gedit classes/autoloader.php

//8: add this file to the staging area.
git add classes/autoloader.php

//9: commit this file under 1.1develop branch.
git commit -m "im committing a submodule"

//10: push the new commit to MY (not fuel's) github repo (yes i've renamed the repo).
git push

//11: changes are reflected on github, looks good.

//12: back way out to fuel again. time to push the submodule commit separately.
cd ../../

//13: add the fuel/core submodule to the staging area.
git add fuel/core

//14: commit the submodule change.
git commit -m "submodule pushed. pushing super now."

//15: push the commit to MY (not fuel's) github repo.
git push

Specifically, my questions are:

  1. Is this the proper workflow for working with submodules? Is it what you would do?
  2. Why does git pull down the 1.1/develop branch in a submodule but set me on *no branch by default? Can I modify this behaviour?
  3. What part of the Fuel submodule tells git to pull 1.1/develop to begin with? There are other branches (1.1/master, 1.0/develop etc..).
  4. Why can't we call it a day at step 11? The submodule push worked fine. I push the super afterwards because the manual tells me it's a good idea. And indeed, heading over to GitHub and looking at MY super, a commit is made. This commit 845de87 however, appears to be just a reference to Fuel's super and not MY super. Shouldn't it link to MY repo and not theirs?
  5. Running cat .git/config in super shows:

Along with all the submodules...

[remote "origin"]
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
url = git://`

Running cat .git config in the core submodule shows:

[remote "origin"]
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
url = git://

Would it be wise to change these url's to MY own repo on GitHub? Fuel denies pushes anyway. If I perform a submodule update, will they be overwritten?

I've also asked this over on Fuel's Forums, but it's more of a general question and there are more Gitters here... THANKS!

No correct solution

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