
Is there any good empirical data on the cost of context switching between threads of the same process on Linux (x86 and x86_64, mainly, are of interest)? I'm talking about the number of cycles or nanoseconds between the last instruction one thread executes in userspace before getting put to sleep voluntarily or involuntarily, and the first instruction a different thread of the same process executes after waking up on the same cpu/core.

I wrote a quick test program that constantly performs rdtsc in 2 threads assigned to the same cpu/core, stores the result in a volatile variable, and compares to its sister thread's corresponding volatile variable. The first time it detects a change in the sister thread's value, it prints the difference, then goes back to looping. I'm getting minimum/median counts of about 8900/9600 cycles this way on an Atom D510 cpu. Does this procedure seem reasonable, and do the numbers seem believable?

My goal is to estimate whether, on modern systems, thread-per-connection server model could be competitive with or even outperform select-type multiplexing. This seems plausible in theory, as the transition from performing IO on fd X to fd Y involves merely going to sleep in one thread and waking up in another, rather than multiple syscalls, but it's dependent on the overhead of context switching.

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