
I'm pretty sure my brackets are matched up correctly, but I'm getting the error "parse error at end of input" No matter how many or few brackets I attach to the end of this program. Since all of the Google results for this error say that the fix lies in the brackets, I'm at a loss for what else it could be. Could someone point out my silly little mistake for me? :)

#include <stdio.h>
#include "/user/cse320/Projects/"
#include "/user/cse320/Projects/project06.hardware.h"

void execute()
  unsigned long int IRdecode;
  IRdecode = IR;
  IRdecode >> 30;

  if ( IRdecode == 0 )

    unsigned int _reg = IR;
    unsigned int _imm = IR;

    _reg << 2;
    _reg >> 27;

    _imm << 9;

    write_reg_file( _reg, _imm );

  if ( IRdecode == 00000002 )

    unsigned int _op3 = IR;
    unsigned int _rd = IR;
    unsigned int _rs1 = IR;
    _op3 << 7;
    _op3 >> 26;

    _rd << 2;  
    _rd >> 30;

    _rs1 << 13;
    _rs1 >> 27;

    if ( _op3 == 00000001 ){
      //AND }
    if ( _op3 == 00000002 ){
      //OR } 
    if ( _op3 == 00000003 ){
      //XOR } 
    if ( _op3 == 00000005 ){
      //ANDN }
    if ( _op3 == 00000006 ){
      //ORN } 
    if ( _op3 == 00000007 ){
      //XNOR }

No correct solution

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