
this is regarding a best practice advice regarding using MVVM.

I am in need to populate a wrappanel as and when elements are dropped in to it. The elements are not uniform, they can be either labels or text boxes. Depending on a value of a parameter the element added varies.

I did this in code behind. Now I am in the process of moving the entire thing to an MVVM model am stuck with the way to do this without affecting the MVVM core principals. In this code I have both UI elements and logic content to gether which are tightly related; and I have become incapable to seperate the two to suite MVVM.

I tried creating the UI elements in the VM, populating a ObservableCollection of type UIElement and binding it to the itemssource property (Subsequently I changed wrappanel to be a listview to be effective in the whole thing). But this did not work out since when I bind the elements there is no way the code can understand which UIelement.

Posted below is the section of the code which I need to seperate:

private void CreateVisulaQueryContent() {

            VisualQueryObject visualQueryData = new VisualQueryObject();

            VisualQueryObject helperVisualQueryObject = DraggedData as    VisualQueryObject;

            //***Taking a copy of the static DraggedData object to be bound

                visualQueryData.ColumnDiscriptor = helperVisualQueryObject.ColumnDiscriptor;

            visualQueryData.ComparedValue = helperVisualQueryObject.ComparedValue;

            visualQueryData.JoinWithColumnDescriptor = helperVisualQueryObject.JoinWithColumnDescriptor;

            visualQueryData.LabelType = helperVisualQueryObject.LabelType;
            visualQueryData.OperatorValue = helperVisualQueryObject.OperatorValue;

            if (visualQueryData.LabelType == "column")

                ColumnDescriptionObject descriptionValue = visualQueryData.ColumnDiscriptor;
                Label droppedElement = new Label();

                Binding binding = new Binding();
                binding.Source = visualQueryData;
                binding.Path = new PropertyPath("ColumnDiscriptor");
                binding.Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay;
                droppedElement.SetBinding(Label.DataContextProperty, binding);

                droppedElement.Content = visualQueryData.ColumnDiscriptor.TableName + "." + visualQueryData.ColumnDiscriptor.ColumnName;

                droppedElement.Foreground = Brushes.White;
                droppedElement.Background = Brushes.DarkOrange;

                droppedElement.BorderThickness = new Thickness(5);

                droppedLabel.MouseDoubleClick += columnLabel_MouseDown;

            else if (visualQueryData.LabelType == "controller")

                Label droppedElement = new Label();

                Binding binding = new Binding();
                binding.Source = visualQueryData;
                binding.Path = new PropertyPath("OperatorValue");
                binding.Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay;
                droppedElement.SetBinding(Label.DataContextProperty, binding);

                droppedElement.Content = draggedContent.OperatorValue;
                droppedElement.Foreground = Brushes.White;
                droppedElement.Background = Brushes.Crimson;
                droppedElement.BorderThickness = new Thickness(5);

                droppedElement.MouseDoubleClick += columnLabel_MouseDown;

                ViewUIElements.Add(new Label());

            else if (visualQueryData.LabelType == "value")
                TextBox droppedElement = new TextBox();

                Binding binding = new Binding();
                binding.Source = visualQueryData;
                binding.Path = new PropertyPath("ComparedValue");
                binding.Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay;
                droppedElement.SetBinding(TextBox.TextProperty, binding);

               droppedElement.MouseDoubleClick += columnLabel_MouseDown;




Any help is deeply appreciated!

No correct solution

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