

How should/Can I pass Form data (From the View) to the Controller?

This is the way I am heading :

  • The Controller Index function is passing a ViewModel object to the View.
  • The ViewModel object contains a paginated list as well as some SelectLists. _ The ViewModel object also contains a custom class I named theFilter. This class' purpose is to hold the Filter information Posted from the View via a Form.
  • I want the Index [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)] function to receive theFilter object populated with the form data, as well as the page number (as is it right now)

Here are snippets of my code:

The Controller/Index postback function:

    public ActionResult Index(int? page, CaseFilter caseFilter)
        const int pageSize = 10;
        var cases = caseRepo.FindAllCases();
        var paginatedCases = new PaginatedList<Case>(cases, page ?? 0, pageSize);
        return View(new CaseIndexViewModel(paginatedCases, caseFilter));

The Filter Class:

public class CaseFilter
    int iVolume_id = 0,
        iSubject_id = 0;

    public CaseFilter() {


    public int Volume_id { get { return iVolume_id; } set { iVolume_id = value; } }
    public int Subject_id { get { return iSubject_id; } set { iSubject_id = value; } }


And the ViewModel class:

    public class CaseIndexViewModel
    public PaginatedList<Case> PaginatedCases { get; private set; }
    public CaseFilter CaseFilter { get; private set; }

    public CaseIndexViewModel(PaginatedList<Case> paginatedCases, CaseFilter caseFilter)

       PaginatedCases = paginatedCases;
       CaseFilter = caseFilter;

Basically I am trying to avoid using Request.Form to populate the Filter class, at least not to use it within the Controller.

Any help, suggestions or disses are welcome!

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Solution 4

Finally, I do not need to even use the Request Collection. The CaseFilter object is filled automatically as I set it as a parameter in

public ActionResult Index(int? page, CaseFilter caseFilter)

The code above works as it is.


    public ActionResult Index(FormCollection collection)
         string valueFromNameTextBox = collection["name"];

You can index into this collection with the names of all the inputs on the form.

Rather than complicate my method signatures, I've taken to using the ValueProvider property and Try/UpdateModel in the Controller to retrieve form/route values unless the values are simple properties. On the other hand, I would probably also not make the filter part of the model for the View -- I tend to have a narrower conception of the model for the page, wanting it rather to be the business model rather that a model of all the data on the page -- and would simply pass the filter values via ViewData.

To expand BFree's answer, you can go through all the elements in the form by doing something like this:

foreach (string key in collection.keys) {
   if (key.contains("blah"))
      text1 = collection[key];

If it has too many elements for the key.contains if, it can get a bit ugly though, so beware ;).

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