
What I want to know is if I am approaching this from the right angle.

I have an app I am building. I am using a Masterpage for the overall look of the app (below you can see the code).

I'd like to have the menu system use a dynamic load like jQuery's .load() function to load the content. That is fine and I have that down. The .load() function uses innerHTML to pump that content into the page. This is a problem if on that page you want to load module specific scripts and styles.

My question is, in an environment such as this, how do you guys load your scripts for these modules? Should I load every script on the initial load of the app? This app will not ever be "that big" however I want to make sure I do it right just in case.


<div id="primaryNavigation">
        <li class="current"><a href="../Default.aspx">Main</a></li>
        <li><a href="../Modules/Page1.aspx">Some Overview</a></li>
        <li><a href="../Modules/Page2.aspx">Reporting</a></li>
        <li><a href="../Modules/Page3.aspx">More Reporting</a></li>
        <li><a href="../Modules/Page4.aspx">About</a></li>

<div id="mainContentContainer">
    <asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="cphBody" runat="server" />

Example Module inside of the Content tag

<div id="container"> 
    Inside a page

    <script id="scriptToLoad" type="text/javascript">

      head.ready(function () { console.log('please print'); }); 


<div id="includeScripts">

My idea was to set up a div in each module that would have the id of "includeScripts" and load those from a method within the mastersheet like this. This method works (needs some tweeking obviously) however if the user keeps clicking on modules eventually every file will be loaded. If thats the case I might as well load them all on the mastersheet.

JS to be ran when the MasterPage is loaded

$navigation = $("#primaryNavigation").delegate('ul li a', 'click', function () {

                    $('#mainContentContainer').load($(this).attr('href') + ' #container');

// Obviously this would overwrite the content from the container, this is merely proof of concept
                $('#mainContentContainer').load($(this).attr('href') + ' #includeScripts');

                    var jsArray = $('#includeScripts').text().trim().split("\n");

                    $.each(jsArray, function (index, value) {

                    return false;

No correct solution

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