
Here is the question I need to create a panel that apear on the app by clicking on the naviagationItemRightBarButton. this panel contains labels btn etc... I tried to do it using a UIPopover but I think that only works for ipad app.

public UIPopoverController CustomPopover;
 FilterSortController newpanel = new FilterSortController();
 //FilterSortController is UIViewController
CustomPopover = new UIPopoverController(newpanel);
CustomPopover.PresentFromBarButtonItem (this.NavigationItem.RightBarButtonItem , UIPopoverArrowDirection.Any, true);

and after that I overried the ViewDidLoad of the FilterSortController

ContentSizeForViewInPopover = new System.Drawing.SizeF(320,110);

There is no way to create a Popover for iphone using monotouch. thanks for the help

No correct solution

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