
I have a div with an ID "shortblogpost". I would like to count up to 27th word then stop and add "..." at the end.

I was trying the following code. Problem, Its counting letters and not words. I think its using jQuery and not strait up JavaScript?

I need to use JavaScript for various server reasons only

<script type="text/javascript">
var limit        = 100,
    text         = $('div.shortblogpost').text().split(/\s+/),
    letter_count = 0,
    trunc        = '',
    i            = 0;

while (i < text.length && letter_count < limit) {
  word         = text[i++];
  trunc       += word+' ';
  letter_count = trunc.length-1;


trunc = $.trim(trunc)+'...';

Ty all in advance for any help.

No correct solution

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