

Let's suppose that I have two Model classes:

public class BaseClass{
    public Int32 variable {get;set;}

public class DerivatedClass : BaseClass{
    public Int32 otherVariable {get;set;}

And a View with BaseClass type as Model.

If I pass a DerivatedClass to the View and retrieve information through a form, it wouldn't be "castable" to DerivatedClass again?

The problem is that if I retrieve the Model's type inside the view (Model.GetType().FullName), I get (without surprises) a DerivatedClass type.

But when I check the model posted, inside my controller, I get a BaseClass (and obviously, it can't be casted!)


public ActionResult ViewPage(){
    return View(new DerivatedClass());

public ActionResult ViewPage(BaseClass b){
    b.GetType().FullName;                 //Gives me Project.packeges.BaseClass.
    DerivatedClass d = (DerivatedClass)b; //Ops, It can't be done. Exception.


@model Project.packeges.BaseClass

<!-- Gives me Project.packeges.DerivatedClass -->

Is my logic wrong? There's anyway to do this cast inside the controller after retrieve the POST information?

No correct solution

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