
I am trying to learn how to implement an asynchronous pattern to query multiple wcf services concurrently, but do not know how to check that all concurrent calls are complete. I have a class that executes the asynchronous operations and then adds to a List as operations complete:

   public static class ODataAsync
        static DataServiceContext ServiceContext;
        static List<DynamicEntity> Results = new List<DynamicEntity>(); 

        private static void GetAsync(string serviceUri, NameValueCollection queryOptions, IAuthenticationScheme authenticationScheme)
            string baseUri;
            string entitySet;
            string entityKey;
            string queryString;
            ValidateServiceUri(serviceUri, out baseUri, out entitySet, out entityKey, out queryString);
            string resource = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(entityKey) ? entitySet + "(" + entityKey + ")" : entitySet;

            DataServiceContext context = new DataServiceContext(new Uri(baseUri));
            context.IgnoreMissingProperties = true;

            ServiceContext = context; 

            DataServiceContextHandler handler = new DataServiceContextHandler(authenticationScheme);

            DataServiceQuery<EntryProxyObject> query = context.CreateQuery<EntryProxyObject>(resource);

            NameValueCollection options = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(queryString);

            foreach (string key in options.AllKeys)
                query = query.AddQueryOption(key, options[key]);

                query.BeginExecute(GetAsyncComplete, query);
            catch (DataServiceQueryException ex)
                throw new ApplicationException("An error occurred during query execution.", ex); 

        private static void GetAsyncComplete(IAsyncResult result)
            QueryOperationResponse<EntryProxyObject> response = 
                ((DataServiceQuery<EntryProxyObject>)result).EndExecute(result) as QueryOperationResponse<EntryProxyObject>; 

            IList<dynamic> list = new List<dynamic>(); 

            foreach (EntryProxyObject proxy in response)
                DynamicEntity entity = new DynamicEntity(proxy.Properties);

            while (response.GetContinuation() != null)
                Uri uri = response.GetContinuation().NextLinkUri;

                response = ServiceContext.Execute<EntryProxyObject>(uri) as QueryOperationResponse<EntryProxyObject>;

                foreach (EntryProxyObject proxy in response)
                    DynamicEntity entity = new DynamicEntity(proxy.Properties);

My 2 questions are:

1) How do I ensure that I only get the List Result(s) when all concurrent calls are finished? For instance if call GetAsync() within a loop, starting several concurrent processes, I need to ensure that they are all finished before taking the data out of the List Result.

2) Can I use BeginExecute() inside the GetContinuation() call and recursively use the same method GetAsyncComplete() as the callback function ? Or would that create a ton of threads and actually slow things down.

Thank you.

No correct solution

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